Dirk De Vuyst

Episode 76: Discussing Resin Supply Chain Issues and How Manufacturers Can Prepare – Interview with Steve Wetzel & Dirk De Vuyst

On this episode, we’ll be discussing the ongoing resin supply issues with Steve Wetzel of Interplastic, and Dirk De Vuyst of International Marble LLC.  Steve will be discussing the cause of resin supply shortages. As many know, the February freeze in Texas triggered mass blackouts and led to chemical plant shutdowns that are disrupting supply chains, causing a…

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Episode 20: Leading In Times of Crisis – Interview with Dirk De Vuyst

This week, I welcome Dirk De Vuyst back on the show to discuss the topic of Leadership in times of crisis. Dirk is the president and CEO of International Marble Industries and also a graduate of the EntreLeadership Master Series from Dave Ramsey.  If you’ve never read the book EntreLeadership, I recommend it. It’s a…

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