228: Can A.I. Be Used to Develop Stronger Composite Materials?

On this episode, we’ll feature an interview with Markus Buehler, McAfee Professor of Engineering at MIT.  He’ll be discussing how they are using AI & machine learning to create stronger materials. 

For engineers developing new materials, there are billions of different possibilities to sort through. Lab tests & detailed computer simulations to determine their exact properties can take hours and even days for each variation.

Now, a new artificial intelligence-based approach developed at MIT could reduce that to milliseconds!

Polycon New England 2024 (October 7-9)

Early bird registration ends June 30th! Save money and register to attend today!

POLYCON is a full conference with an exhibit hall, networking and food, breakouts and roundtables, plant tours and technical sessions, receptions, awards, and more!

Register here – https://app.glueup.com/event/polycon-new-england-2024-108411/

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